Milly Magpie

mumblings of a military magpie

To my fellow military spouses, thank you.

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Military Spouse Appreciation Day is May 8th, and this Army spouse is thankful. Not necessarily for the day, but for the incredible women and men it honors.

Thank you seems puny compared to the love, patience and guidance my fellow sisters (and brothers) have shown me over the years, but I have always believed a heartfelt thank you is never wasted.

So, today I say thank you for. . .

Grabbing a gallon of milk and loaf of bread at the commissary so I did not have to load up an ornery two-year-old and sleeping 6-month-old on a payday weekend.

Knowing that being the new girl sucks.

Reminding me the Army is much more than just a job.

Understanding I could miss my husband, but still throw one hell of a party.

Introducing yourself.

Sharing all your best recipes, and letting me take credit for your awesome dip, cocktail or casserole.

Buying my favorite beer, and always keeping a few on hand.

Being the lesson I needed to learn.

Being brave when you were scared.

Giving me a much needed hug, even though you were not a hugger.

Making me a better wife, mom and friend by sitting on my couch and sharing your story.

Helping me locate my big girl panties when they were MIA.

Reminding me I was stronger and more stubborn than the problem in my path.

Treating my family like your own.

Attending my pity party, but also knowing when it was time for last call.

Reminding me that I am an Army brat, and I turned out ok.

Making me laugh.

Truly being happy for me.

Helping me pull off every event I have ever hosted or held, and making me look good in the process.

Knowing military friends are not bound by time, distance or duty station.

Passing a tissue across the pew when the tears I had been holding back finally start rolling down my cheek.

Feeding me.

Forgiving me.

Reminding me that people, not the place, make a home.

Keeping my secrets.

Calling me on my BS.

Caring enough to tell me the truth.

Always being a call, text or email away.

The surprise gifts you left on my porch.

Showing me friends don’t care about ORBs or ERBs.

For honestly responding to, “How does this look?”

Making me get up and go run in the morning.

Sharing your family traditions.

Understanding my inability to say goodbye, and letting me slide with, “See you soon!”

For these and a million other little and big ways you have nurtured and straightened this Army wife out, thank you.

I am a better person because you came into my life.

“I had cast my lot with a Soldier, and where he was, was home to me.” ~ Martha Summerhayes


5 responses to “To my fellow military spouses, thank you.”

  1. That non hugger wouldn’t be me, would it? And I may or may not have called you out on some BS and that one dress looked HORRIBLE on you. Miss you, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You hit the mark with this one!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m a soldier. This made me a little misty. Thank you. You have eloquently captured what is good and best about military spouses.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Love this!! Happy military spouse appreciation day to you as well!

    Liked by 1 person

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About Me

I’m momma to two college students who have improved my sarcasm and my Spotify. I’m an Army brat who is well traveled but geographically challenged. I believe wanderlust is real, kindness matters and age is relative.